Bank Record Database


When you start the program there is a prompt asking the user if they want to add, delete or find a bank record in the database, or print all the records in the database (Picture to the left). The user interface was simple enough. The hard part was that each record was an object, that had a start pointer, an account number, a name and an address. There are also functions that can take in a textfile of an already created record database, and then when the program is over print out the record database.

Pointers and Linked Lists

In the database there is a linked list where the record with the highest account number was pointing to the start, while the record with the second highest account number was pointing to the first record, and this continues until the list ends. When a new record is added to the database, the pointer dereferences the account numbers and compares them, and when the record has found its place in the linked list, the record before it has to now point to the new record.


I did all the work in this program, as well as converting it from C to C++.

What I learned

One thing I learned from this project is the importance of Knowing what your code is doing. Especially when it comes to pointers, if you make a mistake on the syntax, the linked list will not function, and the function addRecord might be comparing a records account number to a different records name. Because I knew how the pointers worked it was easier to translate this program into C++.

Link to the source code, in a GitHub Repository Here.